My Easy 3 Minute Refresh Routine

Two kids under the age of 3. A business to run. Plus everything else in-between. Let's face it, we don't all have time to wash our hair in the morning.

Which is why if you want you waves to stay defined for longer, you need to perform a refresh. Below is my simple routine...

1) Grab yourself a mist spray bottle. Then mix together some #2 Repair Conditioner and water.

2) Dampen down your hair using mist spray. This'll keep your hair nicely hydrated, which is vital to long lasting waves.

3) With damp hands, scrunch in a little #5 Protect Gel. This will lock your waves definition in place.

4) Once your hair is dry (won't take long as it's damp, not wet) I smooth through some wavy hair oil. The oil seals in the moisture, which prevents it from drying out and becoming frizzy.

That's it! Takes less than 3-minutes. My waves are hydrated, defined and frizz-free for the rest of the day.

Give this routine a go and let me know how you get on.
