3 women, 3 wavy hair routines you can copy to awaken your waves

Kata's routine

I started my wavy journey at the end of May 2023. I had waves as a child but then spent the rest of my life straightening my hair.

I've now fully embraced my natural waves!

Here's my wash day routine…

> I wash twice a week with the Merwave shampoo and conditioner. 

> Then detangle hair while the conditioner is in. I use the bowl method to help create those gorgeous clumps. 

> While soaking wet, I add gel using prayer hands. Then scrunch and micro-plop with an old cotton t-shirt. 

> I spray some heat protectant then diffuse my hair. I hover diffuse first and then pixie diffuse my waves. 

> When it’s roughly 60% dry I add a small ball of the mousse and scrunch it in for volume. Then finish drying.

On non-wash days I simply refresh to revitalise my waves definition. This ensures my waves last for days. 

Tanya's routine

I only wash every 3/5 days.

 > Alternate between using 1 and Merwave clarifying shampoo

 > Then steps 2-5. My hair loves the protein so I am generous with 3. 

 > I use a cotton t-shirt to remove excess water before applying 3-5 and I scrunch products in upside down. 

 > Then I diffuse until dry and I scrunch out the crunch. 

I pineapple my hair at night and I don’t need to refresh in between washes.

George's routine

I've been using Merwave for about 4 weeks. Feel like I’ve finally cracked it.

Here's my routine...

> Have the water lukewarm when showering to reduce frizz

> I go through steps 1-4

> Micro-plop and then plop in a microfibre towel for about 20 minutes 

> Take out the towel and apply more of 4 and then finally 5

> Diffuse with diffuser attachment on hairdryer at lowest heat and lowest power possible until 80% dry

> Clip the front bits back to avoid the temptation of touching it and then air dry

> Small amount of Merwave oil rubbed between my palms to then scrunch out the crunch about 3/4 hours later

And voila!! I’m so pleased with the results.


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