5 Reasons Why 130,000 Women Use This Kit To Awaken Their Natural Wavy Hair

Fed up of frizzy, unmanageable hair? Want to transform your hair into soft, defined waves? 

Scroll to discover how the Merwave kit can give you all year round holiday hair... 

1. Lightweight products formulated for wavy hair

Unlike curly products (which contain heavy butters and oils) the Merwave kit is formulated using lightweight ingredients. 

Your beach waves will stay defined all day long, without getting weighed down. 

2. Reduces frizz and tangles

Wavy hair craves moisture. A lack of it causes frizz and breakages. 

The Merwave kit's packed full of hydrating products that'll nourish and hydrate your waves. Leaving you with soft, frizz-free locks. 

3. Process takes 15 minutes at home

No damaging heat tools required. Simply wash and condition, then scrunch in the styling products. 

Your new quick and easy routine to beautiful beach waves. 

4. Products contain zero harmful ingredients

Free of silicones, sulphates and parabans. Ingredients that strip away your hair's natural oils, causing damage. 

The Merwave Kit will make your hair healthier, whilst creating defined waves.

5. Over 3000 five star reviews

It's transformed women's lives. They've gone from battling their hair to feeling empowered and confident. 

Want all year round holiday hair? 

Click below to start your wavy hair journey now...